Sunday, December 21, 2008


I've ordered wine a couple times from your site and particularly enjoyed the 2004 Coteaux du Languedoc Domaine Didier (no-added-sulfites red wine). I just went on to try to re-order some, but couldn't seem to find it anywhere on your site. Are you no longer carrying it, or is it just temporarily out-of-stock? Thanks for your help.

Hi Shannon,

Unfortunately our good friend Didier died from a ruptured aneurism earlier this year and his wife could not follow in his footsteps. There won’t be anymore Didier wine!

It was indeed exceptional by many aspects and I doubt very much to find anything comparable. No added SO2 wines are generally not that great and when they are their price is also high. Add to that the high risk of importing such wines and you will understand why I am very cautious with them!

Château Véronique is one of the closest wines (or Bousquette) we have.
Sorry about that
Dr Mic

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

hello, I was reading about your company and want to ask one question
before I place my order.
I drink wine on occasion. Two sips is the perfect digestive aid for
me. So, I tend to pour much wine down the drain as the bottle goes bad
before I finish it. A friend suggested port as it has a long shelf
life. Is this true? If so, I will order your organic port. Thank you
for your time
Certainly! Port can be kept for a long time as well as Cartagene (which is much sweeter though), the bottle standing and corked in a fresh place (but not fridge necessarily).
However if you enjoy red wines ours can last up to a week without much difficulty. If you get one of these stoppers where you can pull the air out you extend their life quite a bit. That's what I use when I have opened many bottles for a tasting. Other option: a bomb of neutral gas (nitrogen) that protects from oxygen with the same result of life extension (used in wine bars)

Dr Mic

Saturday, December 06, 2008

My sister has celiac disease and can't consume anything with gluten in it.
I was hoping to get her some wine for Christmas, and wanted to know if you had any gluten free wines.

Thank You,


Dear Henry,

I had to look up for the information myself as I have never heard of anybody using gluten as a clarifying agent! It seems to be indeed a possible alternative very rarely used in the clarification of white wines. However the following articles seem to conclude that there is simply no risk whatsoever in wine regarding the presence of gluten.

Article 1
Article 2

In any case none of our producers use this product so you are clear!

All the best

Dr Mic