Sunday, November 09, 2008

I wish to purchase an inexpensive dry red wine that does not have any added sulfites as I am sensitive to sulfa drugs. The pharmacist said I would just have to challenge things with sulfites in them as I would be bothered by some and not others. So after reading this article, I would like you to recommend a wine with the least amount of sulfites.

Hi Alice,

As you can read on my website there is more to this subject than the simple number representing sulfites. First of all this number is not often available since it is actually different with every bottling done by the vintner. Conditions change over the course of the year and therefore the quantity of added sulfites in the bottle vary. Then in many cases people are actually sensitive to other chemicals present in wine other than sulfites OR to the combination of one with the other. Consequently there is no way to assess your sensitivity to a wine unless you try it with your own physiology. Your pharmacist is right! All our wines being organically grown have less than 100ppm of sulfites in them. The Didier has the least amount, unfortunately we are getting to the last cases of it.
Finally people imagine that it should be easy to simply make a wine without sulfites. In reality it is very difficult to make a good wine like that and particularly one that lasts! The financial risk is extreme for the producer and the distributor! You can try domestic wines without sulfites (my Daily Red and Frey wines for instance). They are cheap and sell well but are definitely not good in our opinion. Decent organic wines without sulfites will never be cheap, that is a contradiction in terms! The extra care required and the financial risk assumed will always be reflected in the price!
Balance is the main factor in everything you ingest. We guarantee that our wines will agree with you or we refund them so confident we are about their quality.
Red wines in general contain less sulfites however since they are more complex they also contain elements that may induce other responses, there is no simple answer!


Dr Mic

Sunday, November 02, 2008

I was looking at your organic wines and could only find two bottles and both looked like red wine, but from the testimonies from people it sounded like you had some white wines, where might I find them?
thank you
You were at the right place! Unfortunately the white wine we had was a Muscadet and the producer had an horrible 2007 season so simply did not make any last year. I will see if there is any hope for 2008.
NSA (No AddedSulfites) wines are rare, usually expensive, not always good and particularly dangerous (for us) to handle since when they turn bad we are the ones holding the bag and taking responsibility for the loss. Too late to complain to the producer since we are supposed to know what we are doing when we buy them!
All in all a very risky business for the sake of a product we don't particularly feel is necessary or justified. Indeed it is an extremely rare individual (I would say a few per million) who cannot drink our "regular" organically grown wines which carry only a limited amount of sulfites. Even my sister who is highly sensitive to anything looking like a chemical drinks them every day of her life without ever a problem. This explains the paucity of our offer. Importing them involves high risk and the domestic ones you can find are frankly not that drinkable!
So for now you have to give a try to our regular white wines and go on trust! If they don't agree with you I will gladly refund your purchase!
